Influencer Marketing


Influencer marketing has dominated the digital marketing space over the past decade with no signs of stopping. In a unique position between performance marketing and broader brand campaigns, brands must be savvy in their approach with this marketing strategy. Long gone are the days where a popular influencer can post about a product and generate thousands of dollars in sales. Why? The consumer is tired and it is no longer unique. That said, brands that utilize this channel in a strategic way can continue to see its success.

At Holmquist & Co., we provide an influencer marketing strategy to yield the best results for your business or brand based on your product or service, budget constraints, and consumer profile. For some, this is going the traditional approach of creating a campaign brief and recruiting influencers for upcoming product launches. For others, it’s leaning into micro creators and generating content to run as ads. And for the unique few, we recommend not tapping into this channel at all, providing custom alternatives of course!

Unsure if this strategy is right for you? No problem!

Email to schedule a free discovery call with us and we’ll go from there.