Data Analysis


Brands are busy looking ahead at the next project, campaign, or launch. Rarely are they able to dedicate the time for a thorough analysis on previous campaign performance, or marketing channel audits. While they know the data can be helpful to inform decisions on future projects, many marketing professionals continue to keep a high level data approach asking the same questions:

  • Did we see a lift?

  • Did sales grow YoY or MoM?

  • Are impressions in line with what we expected?

While these questions help to identify in a simple way if the campaign was good or bad, it does not provide additional insight or take into account other facts such as seasonality, campaign increase in sales due to price increases, etc.

That’s where we come in! Being a marketing agency that understands and works with all key performance marketing metrics, Holmquist & Co. can uncover answers to questions you may not know to ask. With an in-house data expert that is well-versed in most data science programming languages, our skillsets are designed to provide impactful insight to help inform your future decisions. From affiliate program audits to post-campaign analysis, we’ve got you covered.

Have a project in mind or a question you need answered? Let us know!

Email to schedule a free discovery call with us and we’ll go from there.